Practical, extensible, and open-source actuarial modeling and analysis.

Nested Policy Projections

In this notebook, we define a term life policy, implement the mechanics for "outer" projected values, as well as "inner" projections so that we can determine a projection-based reserve. This is done with both a deterministic and stochastic "inner" loop.

The image above shows a Pluto.jl notebook which shows how to project life insurance policy mechanics with an inner/outer loop (stochastically and deterministically).

Instructions to Run

Assuming that you already have Julia installed but still need to install Pluto notebooks:

  1. Open a Julia REPL and copy and paste the following:

# install these dependencies
import Pkg; Pkg.add(["Pluto"]) 

# use and start Pluto
using Pluto; Pluto.run()
  1. In the Pluto window that opens, enter this URL into the Open from file: box:

The packages in JuliaActuary are open-source and liberally licensed (MIT License) to allow wide private and commercial usage of the packages, like the base Julia language and many other packages in the ecosystem. See terms of this site.